Friday, October 28, 2011

Cyber Crimes

Different Types of Cyber Crimes
Different types of cyber crimes compose mainly of any form that has the sole purpose of compromising one’s personal life or just simply attacking the web or internet. Famous cyber crimes normally involve money and globally organized syndicated groups that have the same and common goal. Several examples of cyber crimes are also being done with the unlimited access of the social media or the social net working sites, below are the three top and generally talked about issues and crimes on the net that we should pay great attention; it would either be risk-free or detrimental to many/few but the important thing is we gain knowledge of this fact:

Top Three Different Types of Cyber Crimes or Most Commonly Abused E-Crimes
Theft is a simple act of stealing, it is as well one of the different types of cyber crimes that is being considered as an abused crime on the web. This includes fraud, identity theft, embezzlement, espionage, money laundering and the like. Cyber theft is a serious crime; it usually makes use of one’s personal credit card which is already possible through the aid of the emerging computer hackers that are dramatically increasing. These people gain access or obtain financial information of the credit cards or any other means and options that are available on the web of their would-be victims without the consent of the concerned person and transfer it to another account owned by the culprit.
Need a hacker; they are just one click away.  They continue to grow bigger and bigger because apparently they utilize the entire wherewithal that they could get to learn and persist to learn even more.

Identity Theft
This is no far different to theft; it only deals more on stealing one’s personal identity.  It is being done by using fictitious identity of others to mislead another, where they can have difficulty proving that they are the ones who they claim to be, thus this also entails misrepresentation of one’s identity for hidden unauthorized dealings via electronic communication.

Cyber Pornography, Cyber Human and Drug Trafficking
These are the top three different types of cyber crimes , like the traditional way of committing pornography either through the written articles, obscene pictures posted in different magazines worldwide, doing pornography on the web is much easier to accomplish. That eventually leads to a more grave crime like human trafficking; transporting individuals mostly women, from one place to another and will take advantage of their rights afterwards.  Prostitution that is being done through the net is prohibited by the law same with the everyday or common crime of prostitution to avoid illegal access of crossing national borders. Drug trafficking is also one of the different types of cyber crimes, an unlawful execution of deadly activities that somehow becomes a threat to others , through the use of the web; this is where they send and receive encrypted mails to transact and arrange plans and deals.

Today life becomes easy, effortless and more relaxing, due to the global rapid change of ascending technology.  However, advancement comes with vast responsibility that people should be aware of for protection, public safety and security reasons/ purposes. These different types of cyber crimes that seek to annihilate and encroach into someone’s life that causes a lot of trouble for others seemed to be a very gigantic crisis all over the globe.

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