Sunday, October 16, 2011

simmon's original article: How to Hire an Employee with No Capital

Howto Hire an Employee with No Capital

Employees are very vital in everybusiness wherein such indispensability may bring enormous implications on how to hire an employee with no capital.It can turn into extremely difficult partly because it gets very expensive to employpeople to work for you each time and partly since you will end up having lotsof operational concerns such as dealing with fluid work force.

The bestopportunities are businesses that can develop without any significant increasein operating costs such as hiring anemployee when starting a business from scratch. Businesses that are simplyscalable are likely to have fewer problems managing their size as they getbetter. For an employer, each new hire is a risk which includes financial risk,consumer risk, and interoffice or interpersonal group risk. Finding the rightemployee is also critical for a business for the reason that such introductory investmentfor the progress of a company through internal cash flow against expenses shallbe self-sustaining.

Below are some techniqueson how to hire an employee with nocapital:
1.     Hirea student, on practicum basis, an intern or someone who could doon-the-job-training wherein the desire of the candidate must express a sincereinterest in any organization, the mission, and the vision.
2.     Lookfor people who could work on commission basis and can calculate risks, applytheir thoughts, face and consequences whether or not positively or negatively.
3.     Theowner of the business can directly hire a relative or someone from an immediatefamily who can perform as a business mentor. This technique can definitelycontribute the running of a business to help out and partake for humanresources even without economic value.
4.     Searchfor individuals or volunteers who are athletic and have the ability to changeand adapt to given market dynamics. As according to Henry David Thoreau in his“Life without Principle”, - Do not hire a man who does your work for money, buthim who does it for love of it.
5.     Thebuilding of a business from nothing, with minimum capital or engage in anon-profit organization.

The aforementionedpoints, techniques and clues to successful hiringof an employee with no capital orrather bootstrapping in business is to slow down and consider carefullywhat may be motivating a person involved in the hiring process or to desire tomove too speedily. In the selection process, give the applicants a comprehensibleidea of what it will be like to work at the job if the applicants are hired.Give the candidates as much information about the job as promising so that theycan make an informed conclusion about their suitability of their job that thepositive outcome for a student, volunteer, or trainee will gain experience,knowledge and most of all social improvement if they will be absorbed by thecompany.

To some, thevery idea of how to hire an employeewithout external help or capital is somewhat unusual for the reason thatthere is a generally accepted practice which is the so called “compensation”. Itis so because compensation takes place wherein this concerns payment inexchange for work achieved. Thus, those involved in the hiring process has takenthe time to thoroughly consider and examine the personality traits that will beneeded in the ideal candidate, in addition to skills must take intoconsideration the wages or rather in economic assumption, it is the outlay paidfor work. Wages give back individuals for time and effort used up in theproduction of goods and services. The payments comprise not only salaries inthe usual sense, but also the earnings computed on an hourly, weekly, monthly,or output basis of labor-intensive and clerical workers, so with annualsalaries of professional and supervisory personnel; bonuses added to regularearnings; premiums for night or holiday work or for work exceeding stated normsof extent and value; fees and retainers for professional services and fractionof the income of business owners that recompenses them for time devoted to thecompany.

In summary, hiring an employee with no capital presupposesthat it is easier said than done in terms of choosing the right business aswell as the right employees in the opening of a business. With the techniquesin carrying on of a business from scratch can contribute a back-up for both thepersons involved in hiring process and the candidates despite the guidingprinciple of compensation. (Pearson Education)

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