Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Junk Silver Coin Spot Prices

Junk Silver Coin Spot Prices

Silver Prices
The US-mint produced Silver Eagle lead the world silver coin bullion market or the so called junk silver coin spot prices at a par price of $1.29 per ounce redemption price forced the assays departments to accept certificates at that figure in exchange for silver which could be resolved in an open market at close to 100 percent profit in 1960s. The price of silver coins in 1970s was irregular and investors were unhappy for the economic situation which influenced the sale of silver coins in an already saturated market. Despite occasional drops in the price of silver, frenzied trading of silver coins went on through the years. As the silver bullion priced well again when it climbed to around $400 in 1990s and went beyond its nearest rival, the Mexican troy Onza, by a ratio of three is to one.

Silver Coin Collections
Coin collectors saw various thousand dollar bags of junk silver coins with spot worth such as the 1804 silver dollar otherwise known as the famed Idler specimen sold for $80,000. The uncirculated 1964 silver Kennedy half-dollars and even older Walking Liberty 50-cent pieces join the rush to the smelting ovens when silver interest forced prices above coin retail values. Also, an enormous majority of dimes, quarters, and halves made from 1961 to 1964 were leading the way into discard as collector’s item which was rare and hard to find. Ingots were also fervently collected and have become vital investment. Millions of 1 ounce vaults the size of silver dollars have been manufactured by private companies for shareholders concerned with keeping themselves against the effects of inflation.

Supply and Demand of Silver
The underlying fact that the world demand for junk silver coins worth tops the known supply is responsible for governmental actions that are exclusive in the study of coins. The melting and treatment of silver coins and their exportation exceeding $100 face value is prohibited by the Treasury Department. It is so because, it became commercial to melt down all 90-percent-silver coins when the price of silver increased above $1.38 per troy ounce. However, silver coins which were replaced by thin metals in 1960s are now rapidly vanishing. The major stocks are in Treasury Hands. As coins are returned from the Federal Reserve banks, they go into silver-reserve stocks

Silver Coins vs Silver Eagles
Junk Silver Coin Spot prices dropped off at a lower price on 2000 because of the silver eagles that surprisingly bloomed on the same year. The silver eagles were the ones that have replaced the silver coins and silver maple leaf as the counter part of the silver coins in Canada. However, silver eagles seemed to be more popular after all.

Furthermore, in the year Y2K shipments for junk silver coins spot prices continued and the persistent demand for silver coins became bigger and bigger; the shipper required a minimum order of $250 face value bag. Gigantic orders of junk silver coins like $1000 face value are being divided into 2 shipments to avoid any unexpected mess.

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