Social Networking Sites
Commonly Used or Abused Social Networking Sites
Among the commonly used website nowadays are Facebook, twitter, blogs and a lot more, all of these social networking sites have advantages and disadvantages, if not now, sooner or later perhaps. A lot of social media websites are being abused by many, such as defrauding others either by reason of conveying their sexual desire to other people on the web particularly minors or due to financial reason. Social networking sites are user friendly, which is why a lot of people are being addicted to it especially the teenagers. Most users are just having fun informing others of what is happening to them on their daily lives, for the most part are being the potential victim of lawless elements. They thought that by simply hitting the send or the post icon or the blog would make them feel alive and would make them fully satisfied that a part of their heavy burdens had flown away together with their posting, just to be able to express their current emotion, without thinking that this could somehow intrigue their privacy as an ordinary citizen of the state. To cite some insights regarding the social networking sites, advantages and disadvantages:
Human beings are naturally weak when it comes to emotions especially men. Natural feelings such as when we are in love, there are tendencies that a lot of us would make it very palpable to other people that we’re happy; We are in the midst of undying joy and peace coz we are in love and apparently we want other people as well to appreciate that and be overwhelmed with us. When it comes to this feeling and emotion, social media comes in, an easy way that would not require you to go out on your comfy zone just to be able to tell your friends “with just a hit away” how enthusiastic you are at the moment.
Cyber crimes are really promising these days especially on the social networking sites, with just a click away you could probably be the next victim. A lot of people on the web creates profile which is fraudulent, their primary goal is to look for someone who can be a subject for their evil intent, that after sometime of getting-to-know stage, then they would be asking for some personal identification, or obtain any private notification about you or it could be financial records, for them to gain access on your financial information such as credit cards then use it for their own benefit afterwards.
Think Before You Connect
Internet user should be cautious in choosing or browsing social networking sites. Parents should block adult sites from minor children to avoid any untoward incident that could put the lives of their children in peril and to teach their children to accept invitations only from familiar and known friends or relatives on the social networking sites.
After spelling out the entire positive and negative factors that might happen especially to teens aging 12 to 14 years old, because of gaining knowledge through research, discovering new things and the rampant spreading of cyber crimes that individuals might experience on the web, browsing different websites, having access on the media, it is still safe to know what to click first.
Social networking sites, advantages and disadvantages which I have specified herein are just opinion-based facts that could somehow enlighten some of the readers to think before they click.

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